Sunday, December 25, 2016

Polygon Component

Polygon Component
    Polygon Component

    In this session, we learning about the "Polygon" Component.

    Double click the Canvas and type the desired component to get it on the canvas. Connect the components (with the wire) and arrange the components as shown the above image to make a Grasshopper Definition.

    The Polygon Needs the following Inputs:
    - "P" for the plane to make the geometry., Default Value is: XY-Plane
    - "R" Radius of the Polygon. Default: 3
    - "S" Number of Segments/Sides the polygon. Default: 6
    - "Rf" Radius for the fillet at the corners of the sides of the polygon. Default: 0.0

    The Output of the Polygon component:
    - "P" Polygon itself. (ie, polygon curve)
    -"L" Length of the Polygon curve.

    Adjust the polygon parameters as desired by draging the pointer of the Number slider, few examples are below mentioned.

    example one:
    "R" Value: 7.304
    "S" Value: 3
    "Rf" Value: 1.280

    This generates the polygon as shown in the image above.

    example two:
    "R" Value: 20
    "S" Value: 5
    "Rf" Value: 3

    You may have noticed, when the value of "S" is 3 it generates Triangle, when "S" is 4 it generates Square, and so on...

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